The New Year: Resolve to do something eternally useful

This is the time of year for joining the gym. January is the most popular month for people to join a gym. This can be for a few different reasons. It could be because we start to plan for the new year and think about what we want to be different about ourselves, and...

Christian activism

I am much more like Martha than Mary. You know the story from Luke 10: Jesus visits the house of the two sisters, and Mary sits at Jesus’ feet while Martha does all the work and resents the fact that Mary is not helping. I have always kind of felt that she had a...

Responding emotionally to the God who loves us

It is easy to start to forget how great God is. Now, I don’t mean intellectually. I think most people who are familiar with the Bible can understand logically that God is so great and powerful, Almighty, holy, holy, holy, and all the other adjectives you can list. He...

How do non-Christian people view the church?

I think that so often well-meaning Christian people send a completely wrong message about Christianity to the wider world. If you are currently a Christian reading this, try hard to put yourself in the shoes of the typical Aussie who cares little for religion. They...

The delight and the downside of a beautiful church building

This week the renovation on our church building in the city of Perth will be completed. It is a major renovation; the false ceiling was removed to expose the grand old ceiling of the hall. The hall itself is old, and the ceiling is curved with beautiful plasterwork...