by simon_vb | Oct 28, 2014 | Blog
Last week I spent 3 and a half days in Queensland attending the 20th Synod of the Westminster Presbyterian Church (WPC) as a delegate. (Actually, we changed the name to ‘National Assembly’ to make it more straight-forward to explain to people, but that’s another...
by simon_vb | Oct 13, 2014 | Blog
This coming weekend I am travelling to Queensland to attend a Synod meeting for my denomination, the Westminster Presbyterian Church. If you have grown up outside the church or in some kind of independent church the whole concept seems kind of strange. Surely the real...
by simon_vb | Oct 7, 2014 | Blog
“It’s not fair!” This is one of the most common cries in our house which is populated by 3 boys under the age of 10. They feel it very strongly when someone cheats at a board game, or someone gets one less turn at something, or when someone gets a new toy another one...
by simon_vb | Sep 30, 2014 | Blog
If you read any kind of modern church planting or church growth book, you will tend to come across many people who speak up the virtues of independent churches and who have little time for denominations. As we are told, denominations might have had some value in past...
by simon_vb | Sep 23, 2014 | Blog
I am not by nature a passionate person. God didn’t make me to be the kind of person who gets easily very excited or very angry or very upset at anything; something to do with my northern European heritage I suppose. Maybe God has wired you differently to me. But...