Thinking Christianly about ‘the news’

The news is incredibly important to many of us. The top rating TV show in Perth, consistently, is the nightly news report. Many of the most visited websites are news sites of different types. And newspaper circulation, in WA at least, is at least steady if not...

Getting the balance right: God and my work

In my Bible reading the other day I came across a most encouraging and thought-provoking verse in Nehemiah. The context is that Nehemiah is busy rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem amidst some strong opposition from the non-Jewish inhabitants of the land. As the wall...

Giving thanks amidst the mess

What is the will of God for your life? You’ve probably heard all kinds of answers, and probably wanted to know more specifics than God has told you. But you don’t need to guess: you just need to read 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18: 16 Rejoice always, 17 pray without ceasing,...

What makes Christianity different?

I would hazard a guess that most people in Australia have no idea what the difference is between different religions. There are some obvious differences of course – different head coverings, different holy days, different building attended for...