by simon_vb | Aug 6, 2014 | Blog
When I lead a Bible study group or preach and ask for the Bible to be opened, there is no longer the flurry of pages being flipped to find the right passage. Sure, some traditionalists still like using real Bibles printed on real paper, but the electronic versions...
by simon_vb | Aug 4, 2014 | Blog
There has been terrible news filtering through in the past few weeks about the systematic persecution of Christians in Iraq. The ancient city of Mosul, which until recent years was home to a large Christian community for the past 1600 years or so, is now essentially...
by simon_vb | Aug 1, 2014 | Blog
I have to start this post with a confession: I have a mild Facebook addiction. There, I said it. I semi-regularly post things on Facebook, I often read things my ‘friends’ have posted, and there are some people who I find easier to message on Facebook than email. I...
by simon_vb | Jul 28, 2014 | Blog
If you have been a Christian for any length of time, you will have struggled with the whole issue of serving. Maybe you haven’t reflected on this but I am sure, like me, you have felt it. You have come back from church having served others in some way, maybe with...
by simon_vb | Jul 23, 2014 | Blog
I recently finished reading the detailed recent biography of Michael Jordan (‘Michael Jordan: The Life’) by Roland Lazenby. I grew up watching Jordan play, win dunking competitions, and do things with a basketball no-one else could do. I knew only a little about his...