What drives our lifestyle choices?

We make a host of choices about our lives every day. We decide what to eat, how to conduct ourselves, who to talk to and what about, and all kinds of other things. But sometimes we make really significant choices, choices that then impact the rest of our lives and...

Greed is someone else’s sin

Greed is one of those sins that you feel you can identify in other people. After all, everyone knows of someone with a flashier house than us, or an expensive car, or whose lifestyle is so far above our lifestyle. But greed is horribly deceptive, and a disaster for...

How not to think like a toddler about money

As we continue to look through the issues around wealth for Christians at All Nations, one theme has come up in both of the last two sermons. We tend to think that money and possessions are worth far more than God says they are worth. How do you measure success? Well,...

The problems with being a saver, not a spender

Recently at church we have been working through a sermon series on money and stewardship. In the most recent sermon we looked at using God’s gift of wealth in extravagant ways when appropriate, which led to some discussion about spending vs saving. As this...