At All Nations, we believe that children are very much a part of the church.
Church is important for all the family, not just the adults. We see that the church has a responsibility to pray for our children and to teach and encourage them using what God has revealed to us in the Bible.
On a typical Sunday morning service, the children stay in the main service for about the first half. They join in with the singing and praying. When it comes time for the adults to start reading and hearing the Bible explained, the children aged from 3 to 12 years old leave to the adjacent hall for Sunday School. This is not primarily because the children are a distraction, but because they learn better with teaching aimed at their level of understanding.
We currently do not offer Sunday School in our afternoon service.
Facilities for Babies and Toddlers
We offer a creche facility in a cry room at the rear of the main hall which caters for babies and younger toddlers during the Sunday services. There is a speaker in the creche for parents to listen to the sermon.
Programs for Children
Sunday School runs in three different classes: Seniors (Year 4-7, 9-12 years old), Juniors (Year 1-3, 5-8 years old) and Kindy (Prep-Yr 1, 3-4 years old). The session starts with a larger group singing followed by lessons in these three groups. The Australian-made and published materials cover a range of topics which are designed to encourage and challenge the kids in their Christian walk. Small projects or hands-on activities are common for the Kindy and Juniors classes. A memory verse supplements the lesson. Large print Bibles are provided for Seniors and Juniors to familiarize themselves with the various books/verses of the Bible.
During the last Sunday of the school term, the kids sing in front of the congregation after a service. Certificates are awarded for perfect attendance and good work as determined by the teacher.
During school holidays the usual Sunday School program is in recess, but activities are organized such as Christian videos, a story time, crafts, quizzes or games.
Child Safety
All of our programs for children, including the Sunday School and crèche, are run by volunteers from our church family. All volunteers from All Nations who help to lead activities for children need to have a current Working with Children Check. In addition, we have guidelines which ensure that children are not left alone in private with an adult. We take the safety of children very seriously.
Despite all of our best efforts, it must be said that parents are responsible for their own children.